by admin_ron | Oct 29, 2018
The unknown rice terraces of Blimbing. One of the most beautiful and least visited rice terraces is that of Blimbing. On the main road running from Seririt in the north to Tabanan in the south lies this little tourist-visited place. I would like to let you enjoy this...
by admin_ron | Oct 28, 2018
An adventurous trip through the hidden ravine Babu Guwnang. Via Boulders you follow a route through the gorge. You don’t just do this with a guide, because the route is not always easy. The guide shows you the way when you have to wade through the water and you...
by admin_ron | Oct 28, 2018
Breng een bezoek aan de ambachtelijke bedrijven. Veel in Bali wordt nog met de hand gemaakt. Het maken van de houten of stenen tempels, de bronzen slaginstrumenten zoals drums, kulintangs, gongs en xylofoons. Veel kunt u zien door één van de talloze bedrijfjes langs...